Feels like Going Home
For me, Villaseñor’s new book feels like “Going Home” and I just know it’s sure to take you back to a time when our world was full of magic and wonder and life was oh, so joyful! I say, let’s add Gathering StarDust to the list of other world-famous children-style books that have been enjoyed by adults for generations – some for a century and more – e.g. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, The Velveteen Rabbit, Winnie the Pooh, The Little Prince.
so many similarities to my life
I read this beautiful tale of The Stardust. There was so many similarities to my life. I’m part Yaqui and I was blessed to visit the land of my parents every summer. It was so magical to me. Just like Stardust. This Christmas I will buy Stardust for each of my Grandchildren. So they could know how special they are to their Nana. Thank you so much Mr. Victor Villaseñor for touching my heart. Love you.
I love it!!
It has wonderful art!! It can be read by my 5 1/2 yr old granddaughter. (She reads very well) I love it!!
What a gift!
Gathering StarDust is packed full of wisdom and good medicine. After reading this twice through I found myself greeting the morning sun daily with affection instead of disinterest. Mamagrande comes to life as a messenger for the power of gratitude in active relationship with creation as she teaches the power of playful, radiant devotion. This beautifully illustrated book should be shared with children of all ages. What a gift!
A positive message for all ages.
Gathering StarDust helps us realize our Breath is Sacred!! All living creatures are placed on mother earth to bring spirit to a balance in nature. This book teaches us living our life in harmony, allows us to see all the Magical events/signs provided by the Creator. A positive message for all ages.
was an honor in my life to have met Victor
met Victor on a plane, and Victor asked him to read Gathering StarDust three times: The first time I read the book, I was critical of how many names and references to God. It was wordy and repetitive, but still developed a beautiful story with his Mamagrande.The second time I read it, I read it outloud and thought how wonderful it was to give open praises to Papito Dios and not be ashamed of honoring him. The story started to open my view of what it meant to live life as God wants us to. Using and learning the “Original Instructions”.The third time I read it. I read it outdoors, sitting at a park, open to the world. And after learning from Victor and reading this story, I opened my HeartEyes and understood its simplicity. There is no other Verse, except this Universe. We are all one and together under the power of God as he watches us through his Right Eye or Left Eye. Nature and thankfulness become a power long forgotten by the modern world. As a man who has forgotten the church, but has kept his heart open to God, this book is a complement to my personal faith. To be able to talk as the sun rises to give thanks. To appreciate the joy of helping others to perform my little daily miracles. In summary, it truly was an honor in my life to have met Victor. Reading the book multiple times gave me an emotional connection and helped open my HeartEyes in understanding the message of the book. Humans have a purpose to be good and kind. To be thankful for the miracles and blessings that come upon us daily. The passing of MamaGrande was not a moment of sadness, but a transition of life that can easily be understood. It is never goodbye if you believe their spirit and love is always with you.
Thank you for a beautiful story and teachings.
I read mine in one sitting… easy read! I never read this easy… Love the font! Sparked many questions for me. Memories come easy and a sadness that I did not know any of my grandparents because of language barrier and grandfathers died before I was born…I wonder about them now…I have an understanding now of how I can connect to them…“Gathering Stardust” Thank you for a beautiful story and teachings.
Thanks Victor
Mine arrived yesterday. I’m 1/2 way through. I could have read it in one setting because it’s so captivating. But I wanted to savor it. The illustrations are awesome and go just right with the beautifully written words. Thanks Victor.
A beautiful book! We decided to order books for all our grandchildren for Christmas.
Just received my copy from Amazon today. Unfortunately my wife Yolanda opened the box and started reading the book first. Guess I’ll be waiting a few days before I can start reading it. She is totally absorbed in it… I just sent Yolanda to another room. When she wasn’t reading out loud she was laughing… Yolanda totally loved the book. She couldn’t put it down and laughed, cried and read it to me out loud… After reading it for myself, I understood all her emotions. While neither of us had a Mamagrande like you, I do recognize Yolanda being the Mamagrande to our grandchildren. A beautiful book! We decided to order books for all our grandchildren for Christmas.
This book is like a literary hug.
reviewed Gathering StarDust Goodreads – 5 stars: Gathering Stardust filled me with such joy the entire time I read it. Villasenor’s relationship with his mamagrande reads like a fairytale, but it’s real! If everyone had been raised with a grandmother like her, we’d have a kind, loving, peaceful world. And while the story itself is absolutely beautiful, the illustrations make this book magical! I am in awe of Jack Wiens’ talent and heart in bringing the characters and settings and feelings to life. This book is like a literary hug.
It woke up so many childhood memories
Wendy Hinman, Senior Staff Writer, Carlsbad Magazine: When Victor spoke at the Brooks Theater I was amazed that he too saw angels in the trees. They were some of my first spiritual memories. I would be playing in our backyard on Basswood and then stop and gaze and listen to the angels in the trees. So I read with joy, Gathering Stardust. It woke up so many childhood memories. I recently learned that William Blake also saw angels in the trees when he was a child.
I tried feebly to capture that soul community in a sonnet:
Angels in the Trees
Something in the trees shined into my soul,
A glint of joy and glimmers of desire.
These were conversations I never told
Anyone, these dialogues of angel fire.
Three, four, five playing in my own backyard,
Lost in imagination until light
Spoke from the trees and I would stop and stare
And listen to the silent words of bright
Beings or seeings. Then I heard that Blake
Also saw the trees shine. As adults we lost
The frequency in which we found our play.
Victor V, said he too saw trees so embossed.
Now in community of souls I find
This affirmation renews my child mind.
This book gave me hope and love…
Powerful feelings as I read Gathering StarDust:
This book gave me hope and love that the world will be a better day tomorrow. Primero Dios.
The best life is a simple life. Let’s not complicate our lives more than what they already are.
I felt joy and laughter; I often smiled while reading. The book made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside!
It feels full circle when a loved one passes on, and we can still visit with them.
I felt grateful and connected to God and Mother Virgen.
Always give thanks to God for everything we have and everything we don’t have because if we don’t have it, then God knows we don’t need it.
Victor has a vulnerable gift…
This small treasure was easily read. I love the hard cover, the perfect size with colored illustrations. Dona Margarita’s quote immediately created a sway in my soul as I envisioned my wild heart reaching some more! Victor has a vulnerable gift he expresses in his storytelling.
This is a beautiful story
As always, Victor writes with so much love & respect for his Grandmother. This is a beautiful story of her teachings, when he was a small boy.
overwhelmingly, charming
One word came to me over and over while reading Gathering Stardust by Victor Villasenor. That word was “Charming”. The story, the characters, the setting are simply and overwhelmingly, charming.
The style of the book itself is most friendly, it invites each reader in with happy quotes and then lets them down easily with short descriptions of the team that put it together.
This is a book meant for children, I suppose, but it’s simple, profound message should not be ignored by the adult reader. More to the point, it is a book that should be read to children by adults. If so, it will become a catalyst, bringing reader and listener closer through simple, immersive settings, themes and characters.
But the story is not the only jewel to be found here. The illustrations by Jack Wiens are compelling guides to the tale. They are generous and full of color, motion and emotion. The eye immediately goes to them upon the turn of every page, a feast of delight and, dare I say it again, charm.
The author’s Mamagrande is the mystical star of the show, connecting all facets of life, home, heaven and earth for the young Victor. The cynic will no doubt recoil from the cascade of joy experienced by the two main characters as they navigate through barrio life in old Oceanside California during the nineteen thirties. If so, this book should remind the cynic that there is more than one way to see the world.
As for me, I loved it all. It is a joyous account of life, nature, relationships and even death tied together by simple, honest faith.