Victor Villaseñor

Author and Public Speaker

Wendy Hinman, Senior Staff Writer, Carlsbad Magazine:  When Victor spoke at the Brooks Theater I was amazed that he too saw angels in the trees. They were some of my first spiritual memories. I would be playing in our backyard on Basswood and then stop and gaze and listen to the angels in the trees. So I read with joy, Gathering Stardust. It woke up so many childhood memories. I recently learned that William Blake also saw angels in the trees when he was a child.

I tried feebly to capture that soul community in a sonnet:

Angels in the Trees

Something in the trees shined into my soul,

A glint of joy and glimmers of desire.

These were conversations I never told

Anyone, these dialogues of angel fire.

Three, four, five playing in my own backyard,

Lost in imagination until light

Spoke from the trees and I would stop and stare

And listen to the silent words of bright

Beings or seeings. Then I heard that Blake

Also saw the trees shine. As adults we lost

The frequency in which we found our play.

Victor V, said he too saw trees so embossed.

Now in community of souls I find

This affirmation renews my child mind.