Victor Villaseñor

Author and Public Speaker

overwhelmingly, charming

One word came to me over and over while reading Gathering Stardust by Victor Villasenor. That word was “Charming”. The story, the characters, the setting are simply and overwhelmingly, charming. The style of the book itself is most friendly, it invites each reader in...

This is a beautiful story

As always, Victor writes with so much love & respect for his Grandmother. This is a beautiful story of her teachings, when he was a small boy.

Victor has a vulnerable gift…

This small treasure was easily read. I love the hard cover, the perfect size with colored illustrations. Dona Margarita’s quote immediately created a sway in my soul as I envisioned my wild heart reaching some more! Victor has a vulnerable gift he expresses in his...

This book gave me hope and love…

Powerful feelings as I read Gathering StarDust: This book gave me hope and love that the world will be a better day tomorrow. Primero Dios. The best life is a simple life. Let’s not complicate our lives more than what they already are. I felt joy and laughter; I often...

It woke up so many childhood memories

Wendy Hinman, Senior Staff Writer, Carlsbad Magazine:  When Victor spoke at the Brooks Theater I was amazed that he too saw angels in the trees. They were some of my first spiritual memories. I would be playing in our backyard on Basswood and then stop and gaze and...